Crate and Barrel: Genius Displays in the Making

Ok, can someone please give Crate and Barrel the 'most creative display' award? Only after you puke on their heads please. I'm standing in the rain and I always have to wait for the bus in front of the silvery clean displays because they have an awning. I usually don't look-I cannot afford- but this time I do and low and behold MAGIC I TELL YOU. PURE MAGIC! Don't you just think it's so inventive...and modern...and technologicalmagnificentally put together??...I mean it's just soooo 2008. Or 2000. I can't really decide. But wow! Who thunk of it? A couple of recent college grads? A mother of two? Who did C and B hire and WHERE did they find them?!! Two computer pieces side by side. Together they would make...a working computer. It's like 'buy this desk and the two chairs and you' together...create magical computing babies'. It's just godamn genius. And they didn't even feel the need to use a Mac....they went retro urban cool. That is just....I have chills.


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