The Media War: Obama vs. Black People

Ok...ok...OK!!!! We get it Bill O'Reilly. We get it media monsters. Let's just bring out in the open and lay the cards down with all the hidden messages on the table. If you pit Obama against Jesse Jackson, Reverend Wright, and now Bernie Mac, then black people won't vote for Obama because he's too white. Yeah, I said it. Whatcha gonna do.

I mean we knew race was going to come to the forefront if Obama got the nominee. In front of the real issues, the real man that Obama is, in front of what his soul is. We don't have to be color blind. He comes from a black father and a white mother. Hey but how's this for politics: The blacks can just decide if they like him. The whites can just decide if they like him. No one needs a race war. These 'accidental mics being left on', the focus on 'Bernie Mac's riff with Obama'. Please. I mean I know it's hard to take too many steps forward. But instead of taking two steps back you keep putting your foot in your mouth and it has dog shit all over it.


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