An Excerpt from Missy and I's Memoir

Missy and I are retelling our childhood through a book. Right now we are writing about high school. Here is an excerpt about spring break.

Spring break in high school was like the biggest event of the year. Bigger than prom. It was all about where you were going to go, who you were going to go with, and what risks were you going to take that you could live and tell about it. I was all about taking risks, doing anything that would help me develop my sense of self. The drama queen in me would do anything to tell a good story.

The group of us arrived in Florida completely giddy on our own hormonal fumes. Two mothers drove us there and let us chow on sugar and play the newest Alanis Morrisette CD over and over while four 16 year old girls sang along...word for word. Oh the pain they must have endured.

When we finally set our feet in our condo, each of us had our own agenda. Monica, the hippy, and I wanted to set foot on the beach with our skimpy suits and search for guys. Katy had brought her controlling boyfriend that we all hated, so they wanted to go off on their own. The others sort of followed the flow of the group.

When we set up camp Monica met some guys right away. And they looked about twice our age. She was never afraid of anyone. I was. But I wanted to be cool. So I played along. They invited us to a party that night. Our first party! I about shit my pants.

We didn't tell our chaperones where we were going that night, which was ultimately the dumbest thing we could have done. But we wanted to be free to make our own choices. I had never really been drunk and I really wanted to give it try. I was in safe hands-my friends would protect me.

We arrived at the party and I couldn't believe my eyes. I must have looked so young and scared but I was mesmorized by the scene before me. Bongs, cigarettes, people making out on couches, loud music, smoke clouding the ocean beyond the balcony, and a gigantic bucket of a purple passion drink that somoene said you could light on fire with one flame if you wanted. And then from nowhere, down the stairs, a tall purple haired, big sunglasses wearing, chains falling from his jeans stranger announced his presence to the room. "Well, well, well. I have arrived." Everyone laughed hysterically, as if they were just waiting for the punch line. And then he looked at me. I'd never really been interested in the alternative look. I played with it a little-torn jeans, short hair, a Billabong shirt (alternative at the time, come on). But when he looked at me through the big silly glasses something connected. Maybe it was the risk involved, maybe I just needed to experiment with my boundaries, but something made us laugh when we looked at each other. "What's so funny?" he asked. "Those glasses. Where did you get those glasses?" He laughed. "Come sit down girl." From that point on, he'd always call me 'girl'.


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