Fun Pictures of Dark Knight Chicago Premiere!

Chicago Premiere of the Dark Knight, honoring special guest, Christopher Nolan, is TONIGHT Wednesday July 16th at Navy Pier. This will be a red carpet event and I'm hoping that Alison can snag some photos for the ol' blog as I will be at work during the event. Tickets are at least $150 and on Craigslist some people are trying to sell them for more. If I could go I'd just be gawking from the sides!

**4:30pm-Alison is definitely headed down to the red carpet. The events start around 5:30pm I hope we get some pics for the blog. If she can catch anything they'll be on here later tonight.

"So... The red carpet was pretty fun and it wasn't too hot [temperature wise]. Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Christopher Nolan came. There was rumor in the crowd that there was a premier simultaneously in Los Angeles that Morgan Freeman, Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal attended. The crowd was sometimes rambunctious but I had a pretty decent view and the reporters kept getting yelled at when they got off of their platform-a 'crazy' in a white dress demanded they go back [up on their platforms]. Why are there always crazies?"


Anonymous said…
Not to be a dick but it's Caine, not Kane...and also there's no 'd' in Freeman...other than that I was at the premiere or at least outside and was on some cameras for news n whatnot. A friend of mine got interviews twice and We got a shit ton of pictures too. So it was a very fun day, haha
Jessica said…
sweet thanks..good times

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