California Earthquake Shakes the Turkey out of Judge Judy

Los Angeles-July 30th, 2008

It was just another day for Judge Judy-the television personality we all know as a harsh grandmother to crime. Except this isn't Mamma's Family, this is Mamma's court. Not much shakes up Judge Judy. Until yesterday.

During a strong earthquake in Southern California cameras were still rolling for one of the judge's cases. As the camera started shaking Judge Judy quickly escaped from her chair, not saying a word to anyone in the court room. As she exited, the audience scurried confused and panicked toward the back doors.

During this time of panic the earthquake stopped and all was calm. But Judge Judy did not immediately return to the courtoom.

It turns out that the earthquake shook the turkey out of Judge Judy. She literally dropped a turkey out of her vagina due to the stress of the earthquake and is still coming to terms with the animal that, clueless to her, had been stuck inside her womanly parts of over 60 years.


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