What's All this BLEEP about Severe Weather?

Ok, seriously. Everytime I log onto the Weather Channel it has a picture of tornados and claims a threat to the lives of us all by way of a thunderstorm with dragon fire and dinosaur crushing over the next 7 days. First, it never rained, at all, yesterday. Second, it never rained, at all, today.

Look, weather persons or man or whoever you are, the weather is not like some God in an evangelical church. You can't use it to scare us into staying home or deterring us from the war in Iraq. You can't put some big orange blinking bar on the top of the website that says "SEVERE ALERT: SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THREATEN MIDWEST" and put graphics up like this

I'm just saying. I'm so over the weather. Brought to you by:

(hope you saw this mom! I didn't do it) hahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!


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