Vote Indiana!

Dear Hoosiers,

Don't forget to vote!!

My Aunt Anita attended a Hillary rally in Winnemac recently. She wanted to hear about her issues and see what she is like. Apparently my aunt felt that they did not know how to answer many questions. A common response to people was "you can find that on Hillary's website".

Obama is fighting his own battles with public image and the way he is handling his relationship with his pastor. But I believe he has been put in a tough spot by the media and unfortunately race is still being brought to the forefront by republican corporatations, like Fox News.

I do recommend reading Obama's books if you can. They are straighforward and he has a genuine understanding of the human condition. I personally feel that Hillary is not able to connect with us in a real way because she seems to lack the ability to recognize fault or truly understand that the war was a mistake to begin with. She voted for the war and now is backpedalling. It's just time for change and it's time for a willingness to change on our end. A president can't live for us, he can't think for us, we have to do the work. If we don't, we end up in a situation like now where George W has led us untruthfully and doubted our ability to figure that out. But that's our own fault. We re-elected him out of fear. No one should live out of fear of god or of war or of anything. We should live happily out of hope and be the change that we wish to see in the world (Ghandi). If the war is a serious issue for you don't wait for Obama to get in office and "save" us. That is not how things work. What works is when YOU volunteer in low economic schools to teach children to read so that when they grow up the army is NOT their only choice. If the environment is an issue for you, don't wait for Obama to get in office and pass a bill. Go green, ride your bike to work. If health care is an issue for you, don't wait for free healthcare to come to us in a few years. Take care of yourself, stop smoking, exercise, eat well, and throw a benefit for someone in need by asking friends to donate art work to have a silent auction.


-M said…
Awesome post! I already voted early....for Obama. I think he is the best suited person for the job. You are correct...don't wait for the gov't to help you..they won't. We must help ourselves and our communities! We must be the push that gets stuff done!

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