Text Messages of Note

I have to clean out my text messages. So before I do, I post them on here so I never forget them.

1. Ghetto Superstar is on the radio! This always reminds me of you.

2. She IS a muppet!

3. So hungover. Can't handle mom.

4. No-he is a hobo!!

4. Whining. Wet. Frostbite. -------->(mind you this was in the spring!)

5. I'm at this show with college kids. Where did he the time go? Mike and Joe. DU. Matlock. Sigma Pi. I'm old.

6. Wake up and have sex with Erik's hair!!

7 Poopybutt.

8. Hungover. Bad.

9. Yes, you look a good 30. Not a bad 30 like me.

10. Passing Johnny Depp set now? Jealous?

11. Carbombs are chocolate.

12. My dad has a gambling problem and I can't play pool.



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