No Virgin in Waiting

I had just walked from visiting Eileen. She just got back from working for Second City on the boat. I was on my way to the train station and a mini cooper was attempting to turn right. She couldn't because a car was blocking traffic. He was trying to turn left. Oncoming traffic was blocking him. She went ape shit. She was laying on her horn and screaming. And as I breezed past the noise I saw her mouth the words "Come on!" Yeah, I thought, I feel that way too these days.

It was good to see Eileen. She talked about the experience and we shared a pitcher of apple juice (from concentrate she emphasized). She talked about how it felt to be there, the people she met, and the great feeling that comes with getting paid for what you love to do. But it was short lived and she's not sure what to do next. She shared with me the cons and the pros of her position there-working with the same people over and over gets old, but you meet amazing people who you'll keep in touch with and maybe collaborate with. She's put something great on her resume and it's something to really be proud of. I talked about my own uncertainty. She's been gone since December and we are still working on the film. When all is said and done and the film is shown will this community hate me or love me for doing it? If controversy arises it would be worth the hard work and the challenge of taking a look into a 'culture' while keeping a human touch, a realistic view. Nevertheless, we'd be heading one direction or another. Not just sitting. Stuck in traffic.

Before I had seen the mini cooper I walked by a colleague on the corner of North and Wells. He was sitting in front of Second City singing comedy songs and playing his guitar. I didn't interupt to say hi. He was very 'in the moment' and I didn't want to make him stop. It was interesting to observe from afar. So this is what we all do? And we don't even realize that we are all doing it.


On Myspace. Facebook. Blogger. Yelp. The street. The stage. A party.

But who catches on? I can't help but wonder: Are we waiting for it all to happen to us? Or is this it? Are we happening and we just can't see it for what it is?

Six years ago I took my first improv class. And like thousands of others I have built a small circle of friends and colleagues that I trust and work with. We have built a repertoire of material and, most importantly, a reputation that stays in the minds of those we perform for and work with. Seven years ago, I was in Elkhart, finishing my degree, working for some insurance agency. Back then I felt like I was waiting. But I was making it happen. I really was. If I had known I'd be at this point then, I'd be ecstatic. So what's next?

If Eileen is 'just waiting' on the boat. If my colleague is 'just waiting' when he's sitting on the corner playing his heart out. If I'm 'just waiting' as I write this, then it's worth the wait. I'm no virgin, but I'd have to say, it's all worth the wait.


EM said…
thanks for coming over. it was a blast. don't forget THAT JUICE WAS FROM CONCENTRATE.

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