Dream with Me

Do we dream of people who already exist? People we've never met? Do we share dreams with others who we do not speak with anymore?

Last night I dreamt of many strange events. Like I was a canoe floating navigating the waters that took me out of one dream and into another. In one scenario there was a mirror. I looked in it several times. Around me were people who, now in awake mode, I do not know or feel that I know them. They had faces that I can still remember and I wonder, do they exist in real life and I've just met them in my dream?

One night in the middle of the week I was dreaming about Brent and I. We hugged in the dream and in the middle of the night, at the exact moment I was dreaming it, he woke me up by putting his arm around me and 'hugging' me. I hugged back. If felt as if we were having the same dream. This has happened before.

Also in my dream last night I dreamt of someone I do not talk to anymore. We were in a classroom. He sat at one side of the room and I at the other. He hadn't changed. I had changed. We made eye contact but could not talk because class was happening and we were its students. I felt unsure of myself, just like I did when I knew him. I felt strange and safe that I couldn't talk to him. To me it metaphors life-we are in this world both observing 'class' or life, knowing we exist, but we choose to remain distant. Could he have shared that dream with me?

Sometimes I dream things into reality. Things happen and then months later an event will remind me of my dream. I'm not saying I'm psychic. We all do it. We just don't know or acknowledge that we dreamt it and that we know it's coming. Sometimes it can be a change in a relationship or even when someone gets sick and eventually dies. You will have dreams about that person months ahead of time that indicate something is going to happen.

One time when I was in high school I was visiting a boyfriend and I was leaving his house later than I should have been. He lived 1/2 hour away from me and it took speeding to get me home by curfew. On the bypass my car started slowing and eventually stopped-I had run out of gas. I had to walk to a gas station and call my dad on a payphone. He didn't answer. I eventually had a friend help me. The next day I told my dad I tried to call. He said he woke up on the last ring. He had been dreaming that I ran out of gas and was in trouble. He worried until I got in the door and then he went back to sleep.

These things happen with our dreams. They are our wild imaginations, our connecting points to our emotions and the universe, they are the energy waves that can channel thoughts to real life. Dreams connect us to a higher power and sometimes in my dreams I meet those I never met before they died, those who exist now in other places, and those who I wish I could still know but its best to meet when our eyes are closed and checked out from consciousness.


Anonymous said…
I dreamt one night that you stole all my covers. Then I woke up and it was true! ;)

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