Karaoke Queens

Well we had ourselves a mighty nice time last night. Once again Ashley and I struck midnight with the song The Final Countdown. The kicker? We wore black capes. I'm NOT kidding you. We also interviewed a guy using a rolled up silverware setting as the microphone. It's all on video. Ashley will be putting something together soon with her sweet editing skills.

As far as the KXVO show. I'm not sure when I will be able to see the material. I apologize to anyone who was looking forward to seeing it. There is some sort of breakdown in computer technology and our communication with the crew. It may be some time before I get access to a DVD of the sketches that I filmed as I don't know if it is going up online in the near future.

But our movie is getting edited and I'm feeling really good about where that is headed right now. I will be meeting with Angela next weekend to see more of it and I'm really excited!


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