FIRST OF ALL! You have harrassed and prodded me about my personal life. I wish to poke your eyes out with toothpicks and rub all the things that haunt you into your face with lemon juice. I know you read this because you admit that you follow me online and know things about me. Like "I know you are an actress on ER". Ha! So funny, really. I'm flattered that you are a fan.

SECOND OF ALL! Why do you talk like you have pitch to your voice that never lowered from the age of 5?

THIRD OF ALL! What you do is 1) unproductive for yourself and others 2) a job that throws negative energy into the world and 3) is a bullying job. If you choose to have a career that consists of being a bully, then there you have it.

We are not perfect. We make ends meet and we pay lots of bills. Yes, we have an issue to pay off student loans. But don't we all? Anyhoo, it was lovely speaking with you and having you put words into my mouth and tell me that you've been stalking me. I will now be filing a lawsuit against your mom and her ugly baby.


-M said…
when i lived in hawaii, we used to get collection calls at 2 am because they didn't get the time difference. needless to say we had words.
hope you are doing ok.

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