A Story

Once upon a time, in a valley, in a tree, there lived a girl that had never been introduced to much of anything. She was small yet strong. She was quiet yet observant. She enjoyed eating and danced to the music of the the stream.

One day she was taken up by a traveler. He led her to the nearest city. It was loud and vibrant. He took her to a bar. She drank and got drunk. She slept in a booth in the dining room in a corner.

The traveler was gone next morning. When she awoke she had no money. Just the clothes that she wore. She became a waitress in the bar. She worked there for one year.

The traveler returned. The girl looked bigger yet weaker. She was loud but did not seem to live much. She enjoyed nothing.

The traveler took the girl away and led her to the valley, to her tree. She stayed for one month. She went back to the city. This time she danced in the streets and believed in her dance.

The traveler and the girl met on the street one year later. The girl was smiling. The traveler was sick. The girl took care of the traveler. One year later the traveler passed. The girl was his only friend. Before he passed, the traveler gave her his his shoes.

The girl travels now. She opens doors for others. She shows them what is possible. And she shows them that you dance to the rhythm of the stream even on the city streets. The End.


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