Post Xmas Tipsy

Just had post xmas drinks with friend Angela. Talked about family, work issues, hopes for the future, and general gossip. We went to Five Star- a 50/50 yuppie/hipster bar in West Town. Just two blocks from our apartment. It's a cold night but never too cold for 3 dark beers and yes, a couple of cigarettes to light the conversation.

I have at least one major new years resolution. Ready? I'm running the 12 mile race in Elkhart Memorial Day Weekend. Brent's mom asked me if I wanted to. She, her sister, and her niece ran it last year, and I decided better now than never to join them. I will turn 30 in August and what better thing to do for myself than to get in the best shape of my life. 12 miles is not that long for some people. For me, I feel great if I run 3 miles really fast. 12 miles would be such an endurance build, I would be very proud of myself. Luckily I got two running gear outfits for xmas, so I'm ready to train this bodess of 50/50 muscle/laughter.

Then, in October, Brent and I are tossing around the idea of registering for the Chicago Marathon. 26 whopping miles. I think we are going to do it. It would be the biggest physical challenge of my 30 years. But I think a good new years goal for my aging gracefully self.

p.s. I am a bit tipsy and eating xmas cookies galore at the moment. thpppptthhhhh.

p.s.s. I have a goal to also finish logging our tapes by January 1st 2008.

p.s.s.s. I have to go to the bathroom. Night night.


Anonymous said…
It's a great goal!! I am down if you are - now lay off the cookies! You're in training!
Anonymous said…
From the earlier post Also in '07 you did some Aikido classes!

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