Holiday Happy Time

Do you know how long I've been waiting for today to come? We close the office at noon today and go to a nice staff holiday lunch. Nutcracker is over. I completed our MASSIVE audition tour mailing. And now today, I can relax. All is calm.

Brent and I will head to Indy tomorrow to stay with my dad until Monday. We are going out to a Pacer's game Saturday night and then Christmas on Sunday. Then we'll head to E-town on Monday. Kitty is travelling with us. I hope he doesn't puke in the car again. The last time, it was ugly.

Brent and I stood in a very long line last night at Best Buy to finish last minute shopping. After much consideration and discussion, we decided that gift giving will be very different next year. We spent hundreds of dollars this year on things that no one really needs. We decided that its wasteful. I know its easy to say that and never change. But my bosses, who are married to each other, told me that they also do not go all out on gifts but they buy a goat. I laughed too. But here's how it works. For 175 dollars you can buy two goats to be given to a family. They can have milk and cheese and breed the goats to sell in order to make money. I really like this idea. Next year we will be giving everyone one small gift but then we will be donating a larger amount to charity. Some people feel its silly or they get offended if you deviate from the norm. But for too long Christmas has been about materialism. It just doesn't feel right to us anymore. I love gifts, but I need to break the habit!

That being said, I do hope you get something good this year! I'm still waiting to hear more of your stories about your favorite memory of 2007. I'm writing a piece about New Years, and I need your stories! Don't worry, your name will be anonymous. I'm not going to be like "Anita liked the time that she peed her pants" or anything like that.


Anonymous said…
I agree with not going overboard on gifts during the holidays. This year we decided to keep it simple. Personally, I'm easily satisfied with a plate full of cookies or Fannie May candy :) Have safe travels and hope kitty doesn't hurl. Maceo is also going on a car ride up to SB/E-town. He can hardly wait. :)

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