Fun things I should do before 2008

10. Capture a dragon
9. Paint pictures of people and give them to them but make sure they are naked
8. Take an economics class but yell out "deal or no deal?" every so often as a form of question for everything
7. TP the Trump Towers
6. Pretend I'm a lawyer. Show up to defend someone in court. Wear a boat captain's hat.
5. Draw a chalk arrow from South Side to Roger's Park. At the end of the sidewalk chalk arrow write "you won"
4. Make a lifesize tofu pig. Roast it. Feed it to the vegetarian homeless.
3. Go to the dentist. While he cleans my teeth sing holiday songs to him. Loud.
2. Groom my cat. Put him in an evening gown.
1. Start a cult. I'm the leader and I believe that God is a giant orange balloon and we all bow to it. The balloon wears lipstick.


Anonymous said…
Hey...I can help with the tofu pig...i've made a tofurky bfore :) We could even make more sculptures out of tofu. hee hee

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