Back from Indiana

Well Christmas is over! Hope you survived. We slept a lot, ate a lot, and decided that next year, we might skip Christmas and hit a vacation. Or maybe we'll try to host something ourselves at the lake house.

We got many nice gifts and played some fun games. And my dad and stepmom got us bad with their usual white elephant antics. If you don't know it, the white elephant is a tradition where you give gag gifts at xmas. You can either trade gifts or you can get one for every person in the family. Well, my dad and Jodie decided to pull the ultimate on my sister, stepbrother, and self this year while our significant others looked on with confusion. Usually they wrap the "white" elephant gifts in white paper. So when they handed us our real gifts in nice wrapping paper and Macy's boxes. My stepbrother went first. He got a jogging suit with his initials on it. He seemed weireded out but thanked our parents anyway. Then I opened mine and it was a Reebok jogging suit with hideous army print on it-it was truly something my grandma might wear in the 80's. I cringed a thank you as Jodie said "well, the receipt is there but remember that your dad picked these out. He wanted to shop this year." I felt bad and thanked them again. Brent made some helpful remark that at least it would keep me warm. THEN my sister opened hers. It as a Nike suit in BRIGHT pink and blue. It was the TACKIEST thing you ever saw. She also seemed confused by dad's taste. But he looked so happy that he picked it out, she said thank you, looked at me for a picture with it and made a face I'll never forget. Then it was Brent's turn to open his gift. A Rush Limbaugh book. Right away he figured it out "we MUST be opening the gag gifts right now" My dad lost it. So did Jodie. Ashley, Justin, and I had been PUNKED. It was HILARIOUS. The best fun ever is the white elephant gifts and this year they got us good. DON'T WORRY, Ashley and Justin and I are already planning our revenge for next year. What were our real giftst in the "white elephant" white bags? Real workout clothes-all in very good taste!

The rest of xmas we spent with Brent's family and my mom and Craig. Craig's daughter, her husband, and two little ones were there this year from Canada. Good times, good times. I'll be putting up a xmas slide show on here pretty soon. You'll see pics from my dad and Jodie's art and office spaces because they have a lot of beautiful art pieces around that I wanted to capture. Also some fun family photos. Stay tuned.....


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