Taking the Crazy Bus

Living in Chicago, well, it brings many adventures. Most of the time I create my own adventure. Last night, it was right there, ready for me to document.

So I'm on the train, minding my own business.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket when I notice a lady get on the bus and her eyes are dialated so much that I thought they might pop out of her head. Something about it wasn't right. She looked crazed. Eventually, after seeming nervous and ticky, she takes a seat. That's when my camera phone comes out.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Well, she's sitting there, and I'm thinking: she's not on drugs. She just has big eyes. That's all. UNTIL she reaches over and starts petting this guy's leather jacket. He looks over, half nervous, half confused, and she tells him there was something on his jacket, but she got it. She got it off. Ladies and gentleman, there was nothing on his jacket. Then she looked at me. I was wondering if she could see something on my face and if she would reach out and get it off. She didn't. Instead she starts laughing really hard. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket and a kid from across the aisle starts mouthing "are you high?" Then she laughs even more. BUSTED! We couldn't tell before the confession!! So then this kid starts giving her a hard time and everyone is laughing but she doesn't really know that we know that she just touched someone's jacket because she's hallucinating. The kid just keeps messing with her. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket. Ah, the crazy bus.

Anyway, had our meeting last night. Rehearsals are set for Friday nights. For a hopeful show in February. Eileen and Phil live in this sweet apartment above an italian restaurant near Second City. They have access to the restaurant's deck and across the street is a private detective's office. Quite hilarious. When I got there, Eileen and Phil were spying on the private detective. I have a feeling this is going to lead to some good stories.


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