I Guess this is Goodbye, Kernel

Well, Kernel came around and congratulated me. I thought his snake was going to escape but he kept it contained. p.s. is it strange that kernel wears a blue button up shirt every single day? it's sad really. anyway, just called a company.

me: "hi I'm with ____ can I verify THREE names with you?"

snatch: "I am REALLY busy and can ONLY do ONE name."

I give her the first name. In about 1.2 seconds time.

me: "And you don't have the time to tell me if TWO other people work there?"

snatch: "Go ahead! Quickly!"

I do. Very sweetly.

me: "Thank you SO MUCH!!"


Then, outloud to everyone in the office I say "RUDE!" To which everyone laughed hysterically. So they do pay attention, huh? Interesting. And to think we could have been best friends this whole time. Squeeky was gone though. She would have sneezed or blew her nose or something instead. Or ate a candy bar every so slowly holding on to it as if its a tiny baby and she must handle with utmost delicasey. Oh, she's blowing her nose right now.

Squeeky, I imagine, might have been an RA in a dorm at DePaul. Organized. CHECK. Boring. CHECK. Whiney. CHECK. She reminds me of these girls in college that loved our RA and everytime there was fun to be had, they would hang with the RA instead and suck on her teet.

One time Kelly and I decorated our door with ridiculous nonsensical decorations, and most likely offensive ones too. To which the Squeekiesque girls thought was stupid, silly, and just plain weird. But that's why we kept doing it.


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