Good Evening Midwest Overworked Workers

BLAH BLAH BLAH. Thpppppppppppppthhhhhhhhhhhhh. *Feeling great*. *So Peaceful*. *Loving my post Thanksgiving bodess*. PRO: Did not have time for lunch today. CON: Did not have time for lunch today. Tis the season to be BOOB!!!! Can't think. Brain sort of on high speed crazy. OH! Got check today. First paycheck definitely rewards the last few years struggling in college and working heineous jobs. Which are the following.

1. TACO BELL: OMIGOD. Everyone hated me for smiling. Ever. And I cried when I had to work the drive thru on a Sunday at 7AM.

2. BENNIGANS: OMIGOD. My paycheck was usually in the negatives. My boss patted me on the ass once. A hillbilly family with a 100 dollar bill stiffed me and I had to clean up crackers from their ugly baby. A guy whistled at me to get my attention.

3. SEATTLES BEST COFFEE: My boss sold weed to customers. My friend and I threw muffins on the floor at end of the day just for hell of it.

4. OFFICE HELP: Worked for uber religious couple who fought all the time wife cried and he was alcoholic. He yelled at me and told me I would go to hell if I didn't get saved. I quit on the spot. He cried. Probably went home and put on lipstick.

5. RECEPTION: *Friendly* co-worker/cowboy told me it was my job to make coffee. Went back to college after that job.

6. CAR WASH in the winter: Froze ass off. Yup. That sucked.

7. BOX OFFICE: Rich old people harrassing you for the best seats in the theatre. Then rich old people complaining about their seats later.

And now here I am. Not sure how I made it. But you do. And your brain can be on fire sometimes but I think its worth it. For that first paycheck, it's worth it.

P.S. Check out my new *KEY* on this page. This will explain some symbols, terms, slang that I have developed to enhance my blog entries. Until yesterday. Goodnight.


Anonymous said…
Your list sounds like mine. I should create a list of all the crazy jobs i've worked over the years...including a University Dining hall and a I too worked at Taco Bell...during the late night drunk rush.

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