
Well, pretty soon I will have an audio blog. This will be neato. I will be hosting segments of my comedy or readings or just daily talks to you or myself. This will occur through Chicago Public Radio. I will write the web address as soon as my profile is up and running. I think this will be a fun time for all of us. If you don't know my many strange characters, this will give you a chance to meet them. And get to know me in a way that could, either scare you, or change you forever.

Back to work tomorrow. Just for two days. And then home to Indiana for Thanksgiving. My sister and I will head out for drinks in E-Town on Friday night. It should be a good time to see friends from home and enemies from the past. Always a good time to be had to when you run into every single person you want to see and every single person you don't want to see. But that's how it goes when you go back to your hometown for the holidays. Some of my classmates have never shown their face since high school. Which is eerie as a few of them seemed to crash and burn, as the roomers go. Others just live far away with no interest to reconnect. I think it's good to move on and evolve. But I still enjoy reconnecting with friends that I know will be there till the end. It's a good feeling.

Well, off to bed soon. Read more later about the new audio blog. Can't wait!


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