A Very Happy Halloween

I'm the first one in the office today and no one has come in yet. Hmmmmm...I really hope that we aren't taking today off and no one told me.

Anyway, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! So as I wrote previously, I was offered a job yesterday and accepted. It's a salaried position which is a new step for me. I will be the School Administrator for Ballet Chicago. This basically means that I will do the same things there that I did for The Second City's youth program (facilitate classes, manage work study students, and handle the general administration and marketing of the programs). The artistic director, director, and team in general are very kind. It will be a BIG challenge. There is a lot for me to learn and I'm coming in in the middle of the busiest time. But I'm so glad to have gotten this b/d I will be supporting an arts program and that's all I ever wanted if I was going to take a *regular* day job.

sidenote* someomne just came in. we are working today. BUT she gave me caaannndddyyy!

In other GREAT news Brent got a PAID writing job yesterday!! Woo hoo! Over our sushi celebration dinner for my job, he told me and we were both gleaming with joy. He will be a writer for going.com and the pay is really not shabby for a writing job. This combined with his manager position at Barnes and Crapballs we'll be able to pursue our movie with no worries on the financial end.

I'm wearing my orange shirt today and a skeleton ring. I don't wear rings so it feels weird as I type. I might have to take it off.

Halloween is really truly one of my favorite holidays. From apple bobbing parties as a youngster, to Jr. High boy/girl dance costume parties, to high school trick or treating through Walmart to scare people to college frat boy drunker than hell parties Halloween is just a time to be silly and free. My best Halloween costume ever? My mom made me a Raggety Ann Doll costume and did my makeup. It was amazing. My mom was really creative at that stuff.

Well off to some phone calling and database garbage. Have a fabulous and spooky day!!


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