Sunday Thinking

It's Sunday night. Brent is out taking photos. I'm home, updating our film's site. Logging tapes and thinking about the final product. Next weekend is the Second City short film festival. Very excited. Lots of friends coming in from out of town to celebrate. An old friend from high school will be in town. We will connect and shoot the shit about film and growing up and the old days of performing on Concord's old stage. We did Our Town together. And after rehearsals we'd hang out in someone's parent's basement and talk about existential issues and smoke cigarettes and pretend we didn't get life. But we did. We had it in the bag. We knew what we wanted all along. And now we're all doing it. One step at a time.

I've had a bit of insomnia lately. Several issues to consider. The main one is a job. I'm working this temp assignment but got an urgent phone call on Saturday from an arts organization. They had interviewed me back in July for a position I really wanted. I would have been running their educational program and handling various marketing duties. They ended up choosing the other candidate because I was not available soon enough. Now she's leaving due to family illness and they want to speak with me on Tuesday. Interesting how life works.

Tomorrow morning I will however report to the quiet, stagnant cubicle that I've come to love/hate and continue to peruse the internet and look up things like "how to make a paper hat" or "why your cat pees on you". Things like that.

By the way, my friend Missy and I are co-writing a memoir about growing up as a girl in Indiana. We will most likely publish it online. Missy is living in Bloomington right now and she is an amazing writer. She and I have known each other since the fourth grade and have always found ourselves making up stories about strange things. Soon, I will post an excerpt from the book.

Until fortune, fame, or at least until I get my driver's license (must you ask really? I'm sure you already know. I'm the courtney love of elkhart these days),

Jessica Noelle Hardy


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