Friday thoughts

Tonight my girlfriends and will be heading to a co-worker's Halloween party. Brent and I are dressing up as pirates this year so I will be going solo tonight. Tomorrow he and I are heading to a friends show and then another friend's Halloween/birthday karaoke party. I'm ready to lay my head down after work and catch up on sleep before I get this party started.

The office has been tolerable. I brought headphones today to listen to music b/c I noticed others doing the same. My boss really didn't bother me but one time today. And as he was heading for my desk I Xed out of anything non work related and pretended I had been slaving away on our database. When he approached I talked about how much I had gotten done. He was so happy. In a dumb happy sort of way.

I keep thinking...should I decorate my desk? After all, I am only temporary. But I feel it could help me get comfortable. I think I will. Here's what I think I should get.

1. Lotion
2. Snacks
3. Picture? Of what though?
4. A soft light lamp. The cubicle neighbor/squeeky voice marketing manager has one that she shares. But I want my own.

OH WHAT'S THIS I HEAR??? Sorry to interupt this interesting blog BUT squeeky face just suggested that we come up with a Friday afternoon ritual. She said "Beers at 4:00". WHAT? Kristen Chenowith lookalike says we should drink on the job? WELL THIS came out of nowhere. I'll be right back with continuation of this scenerio.


Anonymous said…
Me - Brent, Avant/Chicago, etc - was out taking pix at the Parkwest w/ Lotus. Great show - just wanted to let you know I wasnt leaving Jes out on her own.

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