
Dear Neighbors,
Nevermind that you are stomping across the floor at 1 am. I have a bigger bone to pick with you.

You are dumb. Yes, it's that simple. I can tell because only dumb people walk back and forth from one end of the apartment to the other for approximately 45 minutes now.

You must be looking for a secret floor board for a hidden treasure because you are out of money because you are also running a meth lab in your living room while wearing heavy wooden clogs.

That makes you dumb too.

And now I am considering calling the police and that will put you in a load of trouble. Because you will not only go to jail but you will go to jail wearing heavy wooden clogs. And nobody will put up with a loud clogger in jail.

Now, is all that dumb really worth it to you?

Probably. Or else you would stop being dumb. But you aren't. And you won't. Because I still hear you.


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