"I Said Yo Mamma Is a Beeeeatch!" -Cheney

Latest phone conversation between Cheney and Dean about their differences over the war in Iraq:

Cheney- "Hi. Look, I've had it with your smart mouth."
Dean- "Eeeewwww, you really scare me."
Cheney- "I'm serious and if you're not careful I'm gonna tell your mamma."
Dean- "What'd you say about my mamma?"
Cheney- "You heard me."
Cheney-"I said yo mamma is a beeeaaatch!"
Dean-"Don't talk about my mom. She's a sweet ass."
Cheney-"Yea, she is."

(Pause. Then rustling from Dean's end.)

Dean-"Ah shit! I just hit myself in the eye. Fuckin' arms!"
Cheney-"Ok, I gotta go."
Dean- "Bye."


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